Karl has a demanding job. Even when he’s on vacation, work slips into the vacation. With two young children, his wife Ashley gets irritated when...
20.112019September 5, 2019
Karl has a demanding job. Even when he’s on vacation, work slips into the vacation. With two young children, his wife Ashley gets irritated when...
In our last couples counseling session, Kim shared an incident from many years ago when she told her husband David that she had made him...
Jan just got back from a week-long conference and found Jeff in the garage. Jeff seemed aggravated and Jan said, “What’s the matter with you?”...
The following was posted on the Gottman Institute’s blog Marriage Minute. Because the advice is subtle but profound, I wanted to share. Sorry for venting....
I was talking with a couple about the importance of paying attention to the subtlety of language and the husband said, “I’m not skilled at...
When someone is saying what they think or feel is true for them, I encourage couples to assume their partner is being truthful. If a...
When I work with most couples, meeting every other week seems to be the right frequency. It’s enough time to allow issues to emerge in...
Donna was thrilled by her accomplishment. She was developing a new company policy that her colleagues doubted would ever be implemented. Donna was asked to...
When I first started couples counseling with Bruce and Lauren, their 14-year-old daughter asked her mother, “Do you still love dad?” This was not an...
Caroline yearns to share with her husband Rob—her struggles with her mother, transitions in friendships, and worries in general. Her husband Rob, who works as...