About Relationship Resources


Many therapists do marriage counseling, but very few are trained in it and even fewer exclusively see couples in their practice. Throughout three decades Relationship Resources has provided research driven, specialized care for couples.

The counseling methods used by Dr. Rein are based on training with Dr. John Gottman, the top marriage counselor and researcher in the country. Dr. Rein has shared these methods with thousands of couples and taught to many other couples therapists.

Counseling Approach

Relationship Resources’ counseling approach is based on the science of communication. Dr. Rein works with you to identify repetitive patterns and detect intricate subtleties that create communication setbacks and unresolved problems in marriages and relationships.

Dr. Rein’s method is what differentiates him from other therapists and has been very successful in improving and saving troubled relationships.

  • Successful Communication Techniques

    From the start, couples receive Dr. Rein’s most recent book that summarizes research on how successful couples communicate.

  • Feedback and Guidance

    Following Dr. Rein’s feedback and guidance during sessions, you’ll learn how to communicate effectively.

  • Restore and Rebuild

    Instead of conversations that escalate or end in anger and frustration, your new communications skills will help you to restore friendship and rebuild your emotional connection.

The Model for Understanding Relationships

The Relationship Pyramid is a model for understanding relationships. The foundation of the pyramid and of any relationship is about needs.

The needs in a relationship are emotional intimacy and self-esteem. Couples need to feel emotionally close to their partners and to feel good about themselves in their relationships. From those needs stem patterns, perceptions, affect, and ultimately the language used towards your spouse or partner.

Dr. Rein utilizes the pyramid and focuses on positives and the future. He believes that if couples communicate with each other by applying the skills taught throughout their counseling sessions, they have the potential to not only survive but to thrive as a couple.

About Dr. Richard Rein

Dr. Richard Rein, Ph.D. is the founder of Relationship Resources and owner of the Center for Integrative Counseling and Wellness. He is a licensed psychologist, certified Gottman method couples therapist, and marriage counseling expert.

Dr. Rein has written the books All in the Dialogue: Restoring Relationships and The Divorce Prevention Handbook: A Practical Guide for Saving Marriages, which guide you in developing the skills necessary to communicate with your partner in positive, more productive ways.

Dr. Rein has specialized training in coaching executives in the workplace. He has post-graduate certificates in Organizational Consulting Psychology and Professional Executive Coaching. He is skilled at making good communicators great communicators, and great communicators master communicators.

Recent Blog Posts

Each day my life is enriched by listening to and guiding couples as they bring their raw experiences to sessions and we try to make sense of difficult times. Through these blog posts, I hope to give readers a snapshot of our work including examples of the real issues that people bring, and how we can find meaning and a path out together. Their identities are protected, but each experience is real. Because relationships are complex, my role is to help couples share their experiences while providing a conceptual road map to understand their experiences, finding a way out of the woods of painful experiences. This blog shares stories and concepts; I hope it provides hope, insight and richness to each reader’s own journey.

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