The Sound Relationship House – Part 2


This is a continuation of last week’s blog regarding Dr. John Gottman’s Sound Relationship House.

The fourth level of The Sound Relationship House is the Positive Perspective. This level can’t be changed directly but is changed as a result of improving the other levels. If couples have a negative perspective, they are 50% more likely to perceive a partner as being negative than a couple with a positive perspective. Couples need to have a positive perspective in order to repair conflict.

The fifth level is Manage Conflict. This is typically the focus of couples counseling. The purpose is to minimize negativity in a relationship so the couple is safe enough to focus on positivity and connection.

The final two levels are Life Dreams and Shared Meaning. When the friendship is strong, a couple dreams together about their future and creates rituals that are meaningful, e.g., family dinners and family vacations.