Escalation often begins with an attack. Regardless of how strong someone’s self-esteem is, individuals don’t want to be attacked. When someone is attacked, the tendency...
Archive for category: Couples Therapy
The Power of Negativity
Research shows that negativity is twenty times more powerful than positivity. It’s hard to be positive and emotionally close with a partner when negativity and...
Don’t Fight
Couples are always going to have differences. It’s the nature of relationships. Individuals have varying backgrounds, values, needs and desires. The problem is not that...
I Appreciate
Being respectful is one of the most important concepts for couples to implement. When expressing oneself to a partner, it’s crucial that its done respectfully...
A marriage vow is a lifetime commitment that two individuals make to each other. Unmarried couples also commit to each other when they pledge monogamy,...
Honestly – Part 2
Individuals committed to complete honesty makes them more accountable for their behaviors. People don’t want to share uncomfortable or embarrassing behaviors, therefore they are more...
Honestly – Part 1
The importance of honesty is sometimes assumed but needs to be talked about explicitly. For successful couples, honesty is at the core of their relationship....
Couples Deserve To Succeed—Part 2
If a couple starts a conversation with a negative statement (a harsh startup), the likelihood of responding negatively (the second statement) is 94%. Therefore the...
Couples Deserve To Succeed—Part 1
I watched my niece radiate as she and her husband-to-be were making their wedding vows. The groom talked about noticing my niece from the moment...