When someone is saying what they think or feel is true for them, I encourage couples to assume their partner is being truthful. If a...
16.102019September 4, 2019
When someone is saying what they think or feel is true for them, I encourage couples to assume their partner is being truthful. If a...
When I work with most couples, meeting every other week seems to be the right frequency. It’s enough time to allow issues to emerge in...
When I first started couples counseling with Bruce and Lauren, their 14-year-old daughter asked her mother, “Do you still love dad?” This was not an...
Caroline yearns to share with her husband Rob—her struggles with her mother, transitions in friendships, and worries in general. Her husband Rob, who works as...
Rachel had felt alone in her relationship for years, experiencing the relationship as one-sided. She supported her husband Dan but didn’t get the same in return.
Liz asked Jim to do something for her and Jim reluctantly complied. Picking up on his resistance, she later asked, “Why did you do it?” ...
The following sweet dialogue was sent to me by one of my clients. Source unknown. Wife: “I love you!” Husband: “I love you too!” Wife:...
Mike was struggling to stay asleep. His wife Mary recently purchased a FitBit to monitor her health, including sleep patterns. She told Mike to buy...
I was recently at a presentation by the Samaritans on suicide prevention. They said their volunteers are taught not to ask “why” questions, saying that...
I met Christina and Brad for their first session and gathered information about their relationship. In our second meeting, we were planning to work on...