Individuals committed to complete honesty makes them more accountable for their behaviors. People don’t want to share uncomfortable or embarrassing behaviors, therefore they are more...
09.022017January 17, 2017
Individuals committed to complete honesty makes them more accountable for their behaviors. People don’t want to share uncomfortable or embarrassing behaviors, therefore they are more...
The importance of honesty is sometimes assumed but needs to be talked about explicitly. For successful couples, honesty is at the core of their relationship....
If a couple starts a conversation with a negative statement (a harsh startup), the likelihood of responding negatively (the second statement) is 94%. Therefore the...
I watched my niece radiate as she and her husband-to-be were making their wedding vows. The groom talked about noticing my niece from the moment...
Escalation is the primary reason for relationship distress. It occurs when individuals attack their partner and partners attack back. However, there’s another process that’s problematic...
In our couples counseling session, Jackie complained that during a fight, Will threatened to leave the relationship. Threats can occur when a couple escalates. Threats...
Julie and Dave came to me after Julie’s affair was discovered. Individuals who have affairs are not typically looking for an affair partner. The relationship...
Tim complained that Beth thought he was lazy. Anne complained that Doug inferred she was stupid. Nick didn’t like being called an a** hole. Keri...
There is no such thing as constructive criticism. In relationships criticism is actually destructive. If one is critical in a relationship, the individual is putting...
Problems are inevitable in relationships. The problems individuals deal with in their relationship depend on who they marry or commit to. Partners have unique personalities,...