Eighty percent of therapists do couples counseling but very few are trained in it. The majority of therapists haven’t even taken a course in couples counseling during graduate school. Couples’ counseling training typically comes after graduate school. This means a therapist does enough couples counseling to make the financial and time commitment to a couples counseling training program.

Since most therapists don’t make this investment, they are applying treatment approaches that are typically designed for individuals. Treating a couple is very different than treating an individual.

Dr. Rein trained with Dr. John Gottman at the Gottman Institute in Seattle. Dr. Gottman is considered the top marriage counselor and researcher in the country. Dr. Rein is certified as a Gottman Method Couples Counselor—one of five in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Since he is one of the few therapists in Greater Boston who works exclusively with couples, in addition to practicing for over 30 years, your issues and themes will be quite familiar to him.